Friday, August 20, 2010


The following article was published in the Herald-Sun (Victoria) yesterday.

Now, I have no idea why an article quoting figures from the December half year should be published now, just days before the full year results are to be published. However, it's a nice item.

A salient point that is made by Dr Radford is one that I have bashed on about many times over the years and is one of the significant reasons that I am invested in this business. He very clearly defines the business strategy of the listed company - it is to fully realize the commercial potential of the QuantiFERON diagnostic. He is very firm about not taking the path that nearly all other Australian biotechs take - selling off the farm early in the process and thereby foregoing much of the financial benefit to be derived from the discovery. I am much heartened to hear "from the horses mouth" that this belief and strategy is still in place. I like being invested in a Company that recognises that the shareholders deserve financial rewards for their investment, faith and perseverance.

The QuantiFERON product is 100% owned by our Company - we are not dependant upon receiving crumbs from the table (royalties) from a giant pharma. The risk has been ours and now the profits are ours.

This has been achieved without a massive dilution of our equity by the all too common massive capital raisings that plague other startup biotechs.

And, to top it off, we have no debt.

One final point. Until now I had always recognised Rog as the master of article titles. I now suggest that Rog should bow at the altar of the author of this article. The title "Fully rad approach to TB" deserves a place of honour in the gallery of headlines. 

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