You have commented:
"More grandstanding from the master of sophistry masked in verbal diarrhea. If this is a thesis, your pretensions to academia fail, but keep up the ramp as your "investments" dwindle. If your ramp succeeds you may be able to sell to some more "suckers" north of 2.50 as would appear the motive behind this so-called thesis."
I always appreciate comments that dispute my thoughts that are presented with a modicum of reasoning and logic. After all, I am not the fount of all wisdom. The wisest thing that I do is to listen to others and learn.
Unfortunately, your comments don't seem to even make the vaguest attempt to reach for anything of value to anybody.
Generally, I no longer bother to reply to comments that consist purely of unsupported criticism. However, whilst your postings clearly fall into this category, I am making an exception. (It's my blog - I'll break my own rules if I wish)
I actually have no problem whatsoever in your considering my posts to be "verbal diarrhoea". Furthermore, it is within your rights to express that opinion - even though it adds nothing at all to the discussion or the community knowledge. Perhaps my ramblings add nothing either but at least they have an intention of doing so and I am willing to support them with a logical argument.
As to sophistry. Depending upon which definition you use, this could be considered a compliment or an insult. Whilst I would (of course) prefer the first, I suspect that your intent is the latter. The problem that you have with that accusation is that sophistry (used in the negative sense) implies the presentation of a logical argument with the intent of deceiving somebody.
As a starting point, you and other readers have my assurances that I have no intent or interest in deceiving anybody.
Perhaps a better assurance might be achieved by considering my more than ten years of public postings. I am simply not smart enough to maintain a deception for such a long period of time.
Ultimately, however, it is the content of my posts that, I believe, speak most strongly for my integrity. I have always provided in detail the reasoning behind my views. After all, I would achieve no personal satisfaction from simply spouting comments with no reasoning applied. It is my (sometimes failed) attempt to build my skills of expression and logic that drive me to make the effort to write my postings.
You make the strange accusation that I am a stock ramper. If I am then I am a very poor one. A successful share ramper should by now be sitting a massive pile of ill gotten gains. I assure you that I am not.
More specifically, you make the accusation that my post is a ramp for CST. I am wondering if you have actually read it carefully. If you do then you will see that firstly it does not suggest any action to anybody other than that they make decisions for which they are willing to account to themselves for. The result of such a suggestion (if I was bold enough to believe that my post may actually impact anybody's thinking) could just as equally be to sell CST shares as to hold or buy.
In the end, I am happy with who I am and am enjoying the never ending task of becoming more proficient at the things that I do. I am by no means under the misapprehension that my posts are revealing some hitherto unknown secrets - they are nothing more than a result of my own personal thoughts and my attempts to translate them into the written word. If the result of that is postings that you find objectionable then there is little that I can do about that, other than to suggest that you don't read them or, better still, address them with contrary, logically supported thoughts of your own. (I would respectfully request that if you would like to do that then you select a nickname for yourself - addressing posts from "Anonymous" is a little tiresome and results in unnecessary confusion)
Finally, (here's some irony) it strikes me that perhaps the reason behind your attack on me exemplifies exactly the point that I make in my post. I suspect (but admittedly have no evidence) that you have at some point made some investment decisions regarding CST that you now feel unhappy about. You now wish to blame somebody else (me, it seems) for the decisions that you have made. If that makes you feel somewhat better about yourself then I am more than willing to passively provide that need - as sad as it is.
Try to have a great 2011.
(With apologies to other readers. It is always my intent to provide posts of interest. In this case, please forgive my indulgent actions in defending myself).
G'day forrest
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why anon hasn't responded to your post on anon. Then I figured that anon probably wanted to maintain anonymity.
I must agree with the disbelievers, Forrest is suspect to say the least.
ReplyDeleteIt would be interesting to look at his commsec account records.
You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.
ReplyDeleteI have always found your posts full of integrity. That is what I look for and want.
You have been bullish on the QFT story. You are bullish on the story. You have laid out the basis of your position.
I have known other posters (not on QFT but maybeERG) who have been generally bullish; but you are jolted when they abruptly changed sentiment on somewhat flimsy grounds.
You have never deviated from your path.
Originally some posters may have been enticed to buy CST based on your bullishness. If that is the case IT IS VERY FOOLISH.
when you buy a stock, IT IS YOUR DECISION.
I have been very bullish on ERG because of its technology etc. I have posted as such. I have been sorry that others followed my path. I have been taken to task by others on different FORA and accused of DOWNRIGHT RAMPING. I rejected that accusation out of hand. When you are enthusiastic about some stock it is easy to overlook that some poster may buy on your recommendation. You cannot always be putting out disclaimers.
Surely people can see that you are posting out of the GOODNESS OF HEARTH and not ulterior motives.
Forrest I love your posts.
My buying and selling is MY DECISION.
Blaming is a DOUBLE WASTE of time:
(1) original decision was not your own
(2) selling may again not be your own
As yet, still no denial of ever having traded CST i.e. sold at a peak and bought in on a trough despite claiming ad infinitum that you are an investor NOT a trader so if you are the real "Diel" having claimed that none of your posts have ever been meant to deceive, deny it now so we can see that you are the man you say you are, or a wolf in sheep's clothing as some would suspect. I actually have no problem with wolves but when they pretend to be sheep then, obviously I do. Anyway Gump, good luck to you! It's only money we're talking about, but here is your opportunity.... to deny or not to deny... to deceive or not to deceive. Dare!
ReplyDeleteSeems like a fair question Gump.Lets have an answer.
ReplyDeleteAs tiresome, silly and childish as you are, I have no problem in answering your question. I have said it before and I will say it again. I have not sold any CST shares, EVER. I have, on the other hand, bought CST shares whenever the opportunity has presented itself.
Of course you do not have to believe me. I am sure you won't. Your problem not mine. I have no burning need for you to believe me and I certainly have no intention of trying to prove it to you. It's no skin off my nose if you don't believe me.
Seems odd for such a stand up guy you tried to get back on Sharescene after you were banished by getting your son to subscribe for you.
ReplyDeleteOr do you deny that as well.
Poor dear Anonymous, you are now sounding sillier and sillier.
ReplyDeletea) I am not and have never been banished from Sharescene. I have CHOSEN not to post on Sharescene. I do, however, read Sharescene.
b) I have not been blessed with a son.
Is your fevered imagination able to come up with any more wild accusations? Let's get them aired and answered now so that everybody can move on.
From the above iIt seems obvious that there is more than one poster laying claim to the title "anonymous." Forrest has used the word "anonymi," is this correct?
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that anonymous is normally used as an adjective (eg an anonymous letter writer) whereas in this situation it has become a noun. It is tempting to use "anonymouses" (house = houses) however it just doesn't sound right. Anonymice might be closer to the mark but again doesn't ring true. Using the one sheep two sheep principle anonymous may well be both singular and plural.
Personally I would be happy with "anonymities," the situation warrants it.
From Anonymous 1, enough for me.. I'll take it on face value all I can do...but of no great consequence anyway...apologies due Forrest if you are acting in good faith as you say you are. Genug!
ReplyDeleteYour a sad case Gump everyone knows your were refused posting rights on Sharescene due to your high and mighty attitude.
ReplyDeleteIf thats not the case give us just on more of your brilliant and prolific posts on that forum.
Ill be waiting.
ReplyDeleteYou just keep digging yourself in deeper and deeper and in the process making yourself look more of a fool.
I can easily prove that I have not been "refused posting rights" on Sharescene. (not that it matters one jot either way) However, I am not going to do so just because you are "waiting". Instead perhaps you would like to offer something as an incentive for me to do so? Make it worth my time and effort.
Must say Forrest it does seem odd for someone who is a serial board poster not to post on the premier CST site does seem odd.
ReplyDeleteJust my thoughts.
My thoughts are for all the newbies that have lost their money due to Forrests investment advice.
ReplyDeleteCST trading today at $2.44.
Anyone who has made investment decisions on any thing Forrest has posted has only themselves to blame.
ReplyDeleteAs for him being bumped off Sharescene I seem to remember that was the case.Abuse of other posters the reason I think.
Any Newbies who've lost on CST maybe you could swap a few for BOC at a bit less than the same price. On reopening the mine it could soar after given the POCopper it ain't just gonna lie in the ground. Then buy back your CST at a later date. It ain't going anywhere in a hurry. Especially with the dollar at parity. IMHO Cheers!
ReplyDeleteWE are still waiting for that Sharescene post Forrest.