Monday, April 19, 2010

Don't Forget the Patients.

Amidst all this (great) financial analysis of the cost benefits of changing to QuantiFERON testing we shouldn't forget the patients.

There is a big difference between treating 56 patients and treating 7 patients with some very nasty antibiotics. 

The change to QuantiFERON is one of those true win-win situations.

  • (huge) cost saving for the Health Authority
  • (much) better patient outcomes.


  1. Thanks for this forum Forrest.

    There are a lot of gamechangers out there now.
    But the game is tough. 100 yrs of status quo takes some heavy lifting.

    The game changers in my view are:

    (1) Where QFT was used to check TST's positives (a high number)QFT produced a much reduced number of positives............ .AND NONE OF THESE (those that QFT disagreed with TST) WENT TO FULL BLOWN TB
    (2) QFT IT is machine read...........not subjective as with TST
    (3) Cost QUANTIFIED

  2. Nice summary wexford.

    Thanks for your valuable contribution.

  3. Reading your comments re patients led me to think about the Four Corners item on ABC TV last night. How much latent TB in China and India.Little mention by CST about potential markets there. Worried about protecting their patent rights perhaps? Hope there is no attack on CST's computors by "unknown" (sic)hackers.
