Sunday, February 28, 2010


This is my favourite little browser gadget.

If you do a lot of web reading as I do then this is an invaluable tool. In very simple terms, it allows you, with one click, to present on your screen an article, blog, whatever in very clear text without any clutter. You can experiment with the settings that best suit you. (I have it set to "ebook", "medium", "narrow").

Download it for free at Readability

(If you are using Chrome as your browser then you can install it directly as a browser gadget which is even easier)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Forrest,

    Thanks for that tip. The gadget has now been on my Google toolbar for 24 hours, and has been used several times. Great for those sites where the font size and quality have been selected for 18-yo eyes!

    Cheers, Ciabatta
